Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Already missed a day.
Okay got that out of the way, and the world didn't stop. Doesn't have a major impact on my be better campaign for 2017, so I'll recognize the lapse and move forward. Generally speaking that has been my motto in life. Keep moving forward. I found that when I get stuck bad things tend to happen. Not to say that dwelling on a decision for a couple of days or looking back on events that occurred shouldn't be part and parcel, it's when that time becomes all consuming and you can't get past, that things go sideways.
My father has an uncanny knack for moving forward and I believe I learned it from him. I also learned that somethings are going to be out of your control and it may be better to not make a decision thane try to force the outcome you want.
My day ahead has a funeral for a family friend, and my attendance has been requested. First day back at work and to leave seems like a not so good idea.
I also believe that these are the moments in life that must be seized, work will be here but the chance to connect with some old friends from the neighborhood do not come around too often.  
The deceased has been ill for some time with Alzheimers and her passing was a blessing.

Keep Moving Forward

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